We rested our barking backs
On the wooden arm happiness,
Happiness that will vanish
At the sight of a fuming cigar.
We cracked cracking jokes,
Those of Ajoke and her friends,
We fell into ditches full of waste,
The night pitied our old age.
Ajani was a good drummer,
Drumming while we danced,
Dancing away our responsibility,
We danced, again and again.
We sang songs that stung,
Stung our Today in our sight,
Songs from underaged lips,
We buried many more sips.
On our way home we missed;
The play of the moon and her six-stars.
On the lonely paths of our lives,
Our home looked far, very far.
Far,far,f—-a——r, we trekked,
Balancing our weight with breeze,
We walked and warr(lk)ed until…
We passed home.
The Future met us
In the gutters of our Yesterday,
Then we knew our Today
Started Yesterday.
*Omuti: Palmwine drinkard.
Ajoke and Ajani : An African (yoruba) name.

Good work. Full of pitiful imagery. The drunk’s life, lacklustre…