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Omo Ghetto [Omo Ghetto]
Rivalry noise made on jam-packed street
Of pot-holes and water filling feat
Welcomes you to the database of quarreling lives,
The Ghetto, where true hard-life lives…

You can’t survive being a mumu
Either castrated by Hemp-Indiana or marijuana
You have to learn a trade
Of gun toting or bottle breaking for survival…

I’m an omo-ghetto,
pidgin is our dialect
Wahala is our trade
Stubborn-head is our motto.

Our young girls open up
To every request for pleasure,
Our women, hardly rest
From chasing well built chests
They let males of all ages
Scavenge between at no cost

In the ghetto,
No one prospers
Education na taboo
I still managed to write this poem!

Written by: Adedayo Adeyemi Agarau
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

About Post Author

Adedayo Adeyemi Agarau

Adedayo Adeyemi Agarau is a poet, photographer and nutritionist. He has won several awards. His first collection of poems, FOR BOYS WHO WENT, was published in 2017.
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