Sitting here alone, confined to my troubles
Breaded by my worries that pierce through my marrows
I long for an escape from these troubles that compound my worries
Worries tearing through the depth of my marrows
Troubles from my worries, wondering about the future…
Of unborn child and the cruelty of unsterilized knives
Of girl child desecrated by Paedophilia
Of political turmoil and upheavals
Of religious ingenuity embedded in lies
Of right of fundamentality of the individual
Of poverty, diseases and infant mortality
Ravishing the innocence of children, women…and men
Then you came along, flip-flapping your wings
Hovering above my head with a sweet soft medley
My soul and spirit you soothed
Drifting into utopianism, my worries were gone
In ‘Alice-in-wonderland’ state, I long to be free
Free, just like you, from troubles and worries
That hold grim hope of uncertainty
For a future still unknown
Oh! I wish to be free just like you
My sweet Nightingale
Written by: Akpoviri Don Veta Akpoveta
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson