My heart bleeds… Remembering the second-to-none standards of gone days
Of studying without encumbering thoughts of discontinuation
These days the fettle of education system sends shivers down my spine
As I looked over my shoulder…
A vestige of the thoughts once we had…Better, beyond comparison with today
Students want aspirations to maximize their ‘EDU’
To gather the pieces of a whole and contribute the
whole of pieces
When enlightenment beckons
Once, our forbearers learnt freely…
Sigh… Job-certainty after school was theirs
And the inclination for distinction was ample
Alas! It’s no more education but edu-striking
Endless Home-stays set tongues wagging
Education turns defecation… of fallacy, illusions, and obliviousness
No more an illumination in darkness and delusion
Our leaders are stiff-necked
Students are tired …Where is our right?
So my quill spills its ink, to fight!
Where is education gliding to?
Instead of changing, it exacerbates
Costly expenses, facilities in dilapidated state
Deterioration! Apogee of the ideal!
With these deeds of our self-serving leaders
Is the future truly gleaming?
No-green-light showdown, academic calendar battered
Varsities’ Lads and wenches turn hobo
…Wake, eat and turn in
Some wenches turn latest whore in town
See, the solidarity-oriented guild
They send their children overseas but our time is drowned undersea
Do they mind if education is meddled?
Someone pleas enter the foray for this must be avasted…
Revolution beholds!
Charades depleting our morale
There’s need to decipher the thick and thin
It must not be in vain!
Written by: Ogunwole Abdulazeez Olanshile
Distinctwriter & Lawal Afeez Arishekola
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson