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O! NEVER SAY YE LOVEST ME: by Moses Oluwatobi Adebayo

Read Time:2 Minute, 53 Second

O! Ne`er say ye lovest me,
From cozen nurtured i`thy heart’s lee;
Sweetly as caesar`s clown: thou oft-speaks,
O! Ne`er say thou lovest me;
If thy eyne art of whom visage,
Doth drawl praises and bare as many shrieks;
Whereupon thy sin pul`ing thou thereto hades`lake,
And merely if thou blames thy pledges as mistake;
Covertly whilst shalt thou run on thine heel,
Fiery faun roars; Whence pierced-devil yell;
Then hate me e`er only if ne`r thou afread of hell,
Haste not, Haste not love, likeas steed tied to wheel;
Ifsoe`en all figs on nature grows but raisins,
Heretofore trees`arms fettered unto stormy gales and rains;
Know thou, every sons of adam heavily art bound,
Flow`g seas, every vales turnest honey-wines;
Therein moilsome, With sweat dropp`g from their holes,
`Tis thence they eat; gathered their almond;
Whilstsoever all the ilke and world`s an ice-field,
That`s mystery of life, All the world must yield;
`Twould be a naked feet we wade through all;
Fie’s beauty and distraught upon beautisome of mine!
For `ey shalt wither as grass: wilts as pine,
As dreary as summer with sun maketh roses fall;
Lo! Never is`t deathless as colleens`age,
Hidden malodour of flowers art as dung i`glade;
`Tis thenceward that ill-taste of love unveil,
Eke, Belike bedecked delineation and portraits doth fadest;
Thusly goest pulchritude away virgin’s breast,
Mayest avow collect thou moon; the rocketeer neil;
Flails not thereof; why `tis gleam of purest tan?
Gladdens thy lofty eyes not, Neither its roan;
Stars gilts, fine art gilds as costly diamonds,
Flashing, yet no enow pleasure of a saved love;
O Love, Ne`er starest nor clamour to have,
Uponst runnel`s osier, Uponst evergreen mounds;
Amidst young rocks, fortified caverns full of ariled,
Thither be no stand of apples thy lips doth willed;
Tarry hither, for my love ‘s right; mine heart intentext,
Forsooth, As magnet wiltn’t disown`r darling iron;
Fastened and tightly sealed inward and upon,
Each so dearly and close to next;
And canst pass betwixt no air,
Hold my hand, `cause tapered is the weir;
Pray beloved Pray; Pray `gainxt t’is squall,
Pray `o me; not even thee, `m an imperfect Jock;
Mortal not as perfect as count`g second of clock,
Dount be awed or mind stand`g to watch wherein hall;
Yonaday, I may lose the big game,
Refrain he reserves water to quench its flame;
Albeit`, pyre thus spark therefrom a rock,
Wilt thou not desert me on brink, flee away?
Bedraggled umbrella sinks, come close and stay,
Yet a leaflet wilt bring us to`r thatched block;
Whence I and ye sharest the warmth of `r kisses,
Dotingly meeds a nest, flock of magpies;
Therewith embrace herd of foxes dwells a den,
Hung be spider in its web, he madest with
Monkey play sways on branches therein craftiness,
Clambers doth fetch kallu, watch his acumen;
O! ne`er say ye lovest me, When my table’s full of merry,
Nor for autumn whence roses art deep and silky;
Neither for harvest-time, Let it be thy love,
If thou wilt love; Love me for eall, Not for aught;
O my lufu, thy love is as valued as breath;
O hate me, but for the sake of thy last`g love;

O! NEVER SAY YE LOVEST ME by Moses Oluwatobi Adebayo

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