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No Bees In The Moon [No Bees In The Moon]
Come here ripe and sweet child
with the door of your heart ajar.
Come sit by my feet, for in you I shall confide
A story of the moon that seats afar.

Once, a sweetness as you I was,
breasts to the heavens, wild and ablaze.
Once on these wrinkled feets, kisses sore,
on this laden shoulders, poise laced.

Those halcyon days, vivid with colour,
how I yearned of tales of the moon.
They said t’was paradise and splendour,
full of magic and songs and swoon.

I see you eyes widen, my child of folly.
But the moon was no street of gold,
no birds to sing, no bees to honey,
only me and him on a life long road.

So my child, take your honey to the moon,
for you are the song and magic and paradise.
Save the fire in your thighs, for there is ice and gloom,
for you are the light, the passion, and the spice.

Written by: Honeyhammer Ohgirliekevwe NayummyRealmuch
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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