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LIFE by Eseohe Pearl Ebhota

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Life is like a merry go-round
One moment you are up
The next you are down
Haters are waiting to see
What would become of you.

Where are they now?
Still sitting
In the same old place
Making faces
While in the crowd

You never can tell
Where the roads lead to
Not everyone would accept you
Not everyone would believe you
Because you are a STAR

You might fall
But you gotta get back
On your feet
Don’t accept defeat
Don’t listen to that voice telling you “NO”

You have a vision
Which no one sees
For the dirty work around
Gather your sleeves
Be prepared to fight

My advice: Stand tall
Don’t live on your knees
You might fall
On your face
But DONT’ give up

No one is perfect
We all fall many times
The road to success
Is a bumpy ride
DON’T be deterred.

This is what will
get you through
this thing called

Nigerian Poetry - LIFE by Eseohe Pearl Ebhota
Nigerian Poetry – LIFE by Eseohe Pearl Ebhota


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