Begat just what she could nurture
You wanna know my mother’s kids?
Painful gains of my mother – her seeds
They say when a rabbit grows old
Her young ones’ breasts becomes her food
But this is not in my mother’s case
Suffering yet in her seedlings place
For we’re either in financial crisis
Or we’re bastardising mum’s jewelleries
We keep murdering our own siblings
Because all want to be crowned king
We all want our mother’s wealth
We keep worsening her derailed health
Mum is golden, yet she crawls
For her kids have unresolved brawls
We lock up schools where we should be made
Our mother – amidst mothers – stays ashamed
Are most of her kids not criminals?
Yet, we complain she makes us suffer
Anyi bu ndi niile ahu
Ikan o gbe kan bi owu jango
Mu duka guda
Oh! Children of my mother…
Written by: Lawal Kafayat Gold
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson