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My Lame Friend On The Street [My Lame Friend On The Street]
Today I saw you in suit
Wanted to say you look cute
But you were in an air conditioned car
Yet, I still could see your pain-scar

Today, you had no helping boy
And so was filled with joy
Valued added beggar
This afternoon you eat burger

Destiny change-over
Drives in range rover
Gives lift to the market women
A good life omen.

Minutes after, narrated your story
In no laughter, passengers said, ‘Oh glory’
I said, Oh yes it was you
some years ago in your youth

Crawling on your butts
Making money by beggary but
You had a bachelor’s degree
Asked of my help and I agreed

Wonder questions, how you did this?
How you leave the street?
When did you buy a car?
How are you driving?
What job are you doing?

Don’t know when to get answers
I only know your old house, the street
Nature shall bring us back
My old old lame friend
Glory be to God.

Written By: Oppong Clifford Benjamin
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

*Dedicated to a lame friend I had in 2009 on the Tetteh Quarshie Interchange (Ghana).
Once I was waiting for trotro (public transport) and I took the chance to talk with him (he was a beggar then), he had a degree in Commerce from the University of Cape Coast but no job for him because of his disability.
He told me to try and help him get a job and if I got one for him, I should look for him on the street where he begged.
Recently in a steady traffic flow, I could see him clearly driving in a Range Rover.I was filled with tears of joy and shared his story with fellow passengers in the car. Glory be to God.

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