3days to 53rd independence
The land spilled blood
Yet we wore our flowing gowns
Singing anthem and celebrating
We opened fresh graves
Pushed in the future leaders
With a grave smile
Can someone tell me if we are free
Or still branded slaves
As they celebrate
A 53year old baby yet crawling
My pen refuses to carry echo joy
My ink sheds blood of grief
I would rather clap for the new month
Than the independence
For there’s nothing to show for it
Rejoice, oh barren womb!
Smile the womb that never conceived
For the pain of birth
And death of the future
Belongs not to you
Wail all mothers
Cry you young in heart
Shed tears strong men
Yobe calls for rain
Let it rain!
Wicked ones cut off budding roses
Blood suckers set tomorrow on fire
They wasted future leaders
Yet today’s leaders smile three days after in celebration
No future… but the present celebrates!
What a shame!
Arise, oh wasted destinies
Gird your loins with swords
Arise! Souls that have cross the bridge
Sing the song of revenge
Fight! Fight!!!
If those alive won’t fight your cause
Let the spirit kill!
Let the wicked blood spill!
Daily we pray to You, Creator
To direct our noble cause and guide our leaders right
But… would You be silent on this?
GOD, would You close Your eyes as one dreaming?
See oh God, Destinies unfulfilled
This act must not go unpunished!
Mercy must not say no!
May the dead and unfulfilled rest in peace
Let ashes rest with ashes
And dust with dust
Written by: Lebile Melt Tosin
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
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