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Market Woman [Market Woman]
Reject not the goods
Cheated on us, but don’t buy

The persuasive words lure our heart
Pondering if to buy from the hag
As the handsome and charming calls

So there the mind is stalled
While fallacious words they speak
Coined to lure

They came and conned us with their words
To gain the wanted post
Which is much high than our crest

Now they govern on us
We become nothing but pests
We turn hobo
We can only berate them

Bitter words we speak
Yet there is no change
My quill and pen spills its ink
Imploring, my words flow

We need not your words again
Where is the bargain?
Market woman, our worlds you trade
Beneath your conning words

Written by: Ogunwole Abdulazeez Olanshile Distinctwriter
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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