I shall make plains
Out of towering mountains
And, without sweat or pains,
Erase rivers like mere stains.
…and he does!
He whispers…
I shall gather gold,
Dig deep into the Earth
And raid its strongest holds
For all that has worth.
…and he does!
He shouts…
I shall make forests
Out of dry deserts’ sands,
Give ‘Him’ pointed breasts
And ‘Her’ sperm glands.
…and he does!
He cackles…
I shall usurp the creator:
Make donkeys like horses,
Make pets out of predators
And tame nature’s forces…
…and he does!
As his evil mind plots
And his skilled hands craft,
His looted Earth goes to rot.
Yet, he continues, proud and daft!
…Oh, yes, he does!
meet the poet: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
I like this..well laid, and deeply written.
Thank you very much Sir
It pains me to see the people of the world act so destructively