We condemned the law of nature; nay the nature is vindictive.
We work when the sun sleeps and skip breakfast for lunch.
We are over burdened with workloads,
When others celebrate Eid, Dussera and Christmas.
To extinguish the fire kindled around our asses
We work like beasts of burden!
The wretched and the poor are mere puppets
To the hands of the rich who are getting richer and richer
Sucking blood of innocence,
Like vultures they’re tearing our flesh and bones apart!
Smaller fish eaten by the bigger ones;
In the country called democratic
Every BPO employee is a slave to slavery!
The law makers are the law breakers!
Its dictatorship!
And we are nothing but the yes!
NOTE: The business process outsourcing industry in India refers to the business process outsourcing services in the outsourcing industry in India, catering mainly to Western operations of multinational corporations (MNCs).
This is more like contract staffing in Nigeria [like the issue of MTN and AirTel workers vs management].
meet the poet: Santosh Kumar
It’s great to read this poem by Santosh Kumar! In solidarity with BPO workers all over the world, please allow me to share my contribution to the literature on this particular industry: https://revoltmagazineph.ink/2021/02/14/outsourced-a-small-collection-of-monostichs-from-an-entry-level-bpo-company-worker-in-our-third-world-er-developing-country-karlo-sevilla/. Thank you!