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Letter To My Motherland [Letter To My Motherland]
Wake up my motherland!
Your doze has turned into deep asleep
On this bed of self-slavery!

Now you snore, dreaming within a dream,
Forming vision upon vision without mission!
You are an Iroko that is set to fall!.

But when Irokos fall
What would flowers do?

Once giant of Africa,
You own a bow and quiver full of arrows;
But little rodents taunt you!

Shame on you, my motherland!
You call strangers to string your bows
And your offspring are mere pens

In the hands of the men from across the ocean,
Writing furiously,
To take from your barn into their homes!

Oh Nigeria, my motherland!

You moved from mouth to the anus of the earth
And your misery is crowned
In your long covered history!

Nigeria, my motherland,
Why are you sleeping?

Wake up my motherland!
For this dream might lead you unto death!

Written by:  Adesitimi T. Damilola
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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