Empty hopes sunk in bloody impoverishment Battered, brutalized by ‘GeePee’ tank bellies They escort the gold to fatten their pulse And package poverty to bless the shallow forks Boko harms Nigerians, slaughtered as rams Parents are orphaned, children made childless R.I.P becomes an anthem, fear floods the green fields As…
GAGUT - [God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem] Africa, my motherland and my rest My abode of homely deeds Carrying and harboring your children in your chest I am still yet to know thee Shaking off the shackles of colonial darkness With bright stars shinning your paths As the new world of…
He sat on a pile of books, Lucubrated wrinkles cracked his looks, Geometry's jugular, he clutched in a vice grip, And a crowd of tongues sprung from his lips, Yet frayed linen embraced his lean frame, As he squeezed little bread from his great name. Patriotism died, he fled the…
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