Close your eyes, lets us pray
I pray for you dear brethren
May you serve your jail term
In a luxurious hotel
Like one ‘Oceanic- MaDam’
May you be set free, even when you are guilty
Of stealing hundreds of millions of naira
And live to enjoy like ‘Madam-speaker’
And ‘Madam Exchange’ alias Mrs Obama
May you have the guts
To making useless speeches of all sorts
Even though you are just an educated waste
Like one ‘roach- eyed’ finance minister
May you always be payable
Even when you are a useless honourable
With jumbo allowances
Like most green-white-green senators
I rebuke every probe against you
And pray for more armoured property for you
I rebuke every declaration against your God-given extravagant pay
May the bearer of such mouth be disgraced in the Assembly
I rebuke attack on your immunity clause
All probes into your security votes will scatter of course
Chekeri mamama mari mari. Huh. Yes, the spirit is speaking
You can say ‘Amen’ whenever you are tired!
Written by: Clement Virginpoet
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson