Your tears have heaped a deluge on the ground
As your eyes have long known no sleep
In counless nights have you kept awake like watchmen
Wrestling with the wounds and pains of your predicament
Wishing you better had never known about life
From the lab the analyses have kept you listless
The reports, as hot as furnace, have melted your marrows
Keep calm Somadina: the rain can never rain forever
Perhaps friends have left you forlorn in isolation
Your family too might have indirectly quarantined you
Your foes, they say you rot and stink
And that have aggravated your plight each day
Rip off the shades that muddle your vision
For soon shall your bedridden days abruptly cease
Keep calm Somadina and let hope eclipse you
Your earthworm skeleton shall surely stand strong someday
And you shall someday feel the fill of joy
Away with your fears of death and impending danger
For the Giver of Life knows and comprehends all
So dry those tears and rest your strained nerves
That your cracked soul might at fresshness be

Emotion laden. This poet truly communicated. You could almost feel the pain for Somadina and cry for them…