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Just Believe [Just Believe]
The afflictions of the righteous are many.
Yet, out of them all, there is a reprieve.
Oh, what a promise! That’s not a dummy!
Tis thrusted only onto those who believe!

Yet, out of them all, there’s a reprieve.
A promise He swears to always uphold,
And redeemed to those who believe
In His only son whom He called the beloved!

This promise He swears to always uphold:
To honour His words more than His name.
A glorious vow for men to behold,
For all who sincerely align to His name!

He honours His words more than His name:
For He is the same, yesterday, today and ever;
The Omniscient, whose recognition brings fame
To all and sundry…who are truly His believers.

He is the same, yesterday, today and ever;
The one whose words are yea and amen.
He is Christ, who, from all our sins, delivers.
He delivers akk: old and young, man and woman!

He is the one whose words are ‘Yea and Amen’.
Oh what a promise! Sure its not a dummy!
As mortals – old and young, woman and man,
The afflictions of the righteous are many!

Written by: Jon Manuels Enekele
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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