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You have no other ground
It’s your country
You have no other territory
It’s your nation
You owe it your obligation
See it as yours
Not theirs
As your mother’s
And your father’s
You may travel to many countries
Marry their ladies
Win their visas
And claim you are theirs
A citizen of two countries
An indigene of two territories
But when there is separation of the wheat
And the sheep is called to the right
Then you’ll know that there is nowhere on earth
Better than the country of your birth
Nigeria is yours
It’s my father’s and mother’s
So let’s come together
And lift her higher
Let’s put her first
Before our personal interest
Then the Nigeria we long to behold
Will before us unfold
Written by: Oku-ola Paul Abiola
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson