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Invitation [Invitation]
Like rays of the ascending sun
That through Night’s teeming darkness spears,
So shines Christ’s love on everyone,
Ignoring our sinful wears.

Approach, sinner, do not despair,
Only follow the light of God.
Onward, climb the Salvation stair
And then by His graces be awed.

Come all races, kingdoms and tribes,
Cast off sin’s inglorious masks.
Celebrate in God’s holy vibes;
Drink up righteousness from His casks!

Hedonists leave the world’s vain things
The Giver of Joy invites you!
Ditch the serpent and all he brings
Salvage your ways, quick! Join His crew.

Our doors are grazed by the moment
When the great noise shall be heard:
Oh! Wax not cold but be fervent
Stir up the World to be prepar’d!

Written by: Kingsley U. Ayistar
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson and Showumi Olawale Michael

About Post Author

Kingsley U. Ayistar

Ukpanyang Kingsley Ayi alias "Ayistar" is a 500 Level medical student of the prestigious University of Calabar Teaching Hospital. Born in the early 90s, he hails from Odukpani Local Government area of Cross River State. He is a Christian, a lover of words and writes for edification and motivation. He believes that "Talents and Gifts are tools for building our God-given dreams into reality." Though without an award yet, his works has been published in several poetry anthologies like Via Grapevine II, Epistle of Lies etc, and other poetry sites online.
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