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In The Company Of Royal Poets [In The Company Of Royal Poets]
I used to wonder;
What is so special about stars?
Not until I found myself in a Galaxy
Did I realise their specialty.

I used to ponder;
Of what use is water on earth?
Not until I fell in the ocean
Did I realise it’s uniqueness.

I used to reason;
What use are herbs to human Race?
Not until I was injured
Did I realise it’s curing quality

Sometimes I question;
Of what use is poetry to the human Race?
Not until I found myself amidst Poets
Did I realise its specialty, uniqueness and curing power.

Poetic particles in him
Obeyed the law of magnetization
As they all moved hurriedly
Like electrons in a circuit
Towards the magnetic field of the Royal Poets
Who acted as SUNS
To his well-positioned MOON

Rising from the cinerary
Contrary to expectations
An opprobrium they saw
A blot on the escutcheon
Shoved aside it was
As terrible as Jove

Sangfroid came
In the company of great poets
I urge you now
To give a sop to Cerberus
Cos as sure as a gun
This rose will bud!

Written by: Fatola Ayodeji Oluwatobi, Kolade Olanrewaju Freedom and Zanele Tyutula
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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