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In all these,I thank God.
Though the road were tough
On the chilly vehicle,
I made an apologetic cough,
I did called on God,
On realizations of the bitterly harshness before me,
My stomache was very uncomfortable,
My faith journeyed with me,
Before my enemies,set is my table,
Holding the torn till it’s morning,
The river bed was pale through the window
Within a word or two it was another morning,
The chairs serves as my bed and pillow,In all these,I thank God,
Hold firm my respect,
as i lay all day in his house,
though it had a tilted aspect,
I have to lay like the mouse,
Pride has been swallowed,
Nativity, a thing of the past,
In self pity,i have wallowed
Now a week is my last,
I got married to his trust,
It is not surprising he did so badly,
I stood all day in forgetful of self lust,
Its personal,Ideal but dangerous unknowingly
I have eaten the sufferings with my teeth like buzzsaw,
Lamentling, i beckoned on God,
Trust not a man with a saw,
In all these,I thank God.
Momentum D'Revival~ Paul Ndukwo
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