What if my words drag me Into that jungle of forgotten souls And my intuition is clinched upon the castigated tree, Would you drown in sympathy? What if my fortitude was stolen and strangled, Replaced with misery and torment upon your spirit's vision, What if my words deny me, Handing…
Throw the first stone. O yes! Murder me. I shall groan in pain but not in hatred. Whatsoever a man sowth, so shall he rip. I have sold your trust for a few pieces of shining silver. So i deserve neither your mercy nor your pity. Please send me to…
Hey Heart drummer My heart gambled a beat As you strolled down that twisted path Of isolation, I gazed at your legs as tiny diamonds Danced about them. Now my heart is frozen Even amidst burning desire. I beseech this sprinkling rain To torment the facade of the sphere So…
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