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Ibadan Man [Ibadan Man]
This town makes him,
the people make him,
his attitude, his real inheritance.

Identity all over him, tribal marks all over him
that’s his name, tattooed on him.

No delicacy can be like *amala,
black or white must be abula, *eba-odan and amala polities,
its the medicine to all illness.

Diplomatic getting insultive,
its a way of conversation, but sound and seems normal,
known for it, a way of his custom.

when he speaks,
can’t forget “penkele mess”*

welcoming and accommodating,
lacks little but has enough, with industrialization power?
yet, are finger lighters

Praises himself
to be undefeatable,
born and proud to be Ibadan!

*Abula is a mixture two soups (e.g. ewedu and gbegiri) in the same plate to enjoy Amala, popular among the Yoruba people.
*Penkele mess The story behind “penkele mess” is a popular politician who meant to say ‘peculiar mess’ but said ‘penkele mess!’
*Eba-odan is a way of saying ‘Ibadan’

Written by: Adebisi Oluwabukolami
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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