Words Rhymes & Rhythm

I WOULD BE UNFAITHFUL TO MY PEN by Ijadunola Temitope Lawrence

Read Time:1 Minute, 6 Second

If my ink condemns injustice
Seen in private and public offices
While my actions and inactions
Enthrone it with orotund ovations,
I would be unfaithful to my pen

If the blood of my pen is always shed
For man’s liberation from slavery’s bed
But my hypocritical tongue thightens
The tether of terror as freedom worsens,
My bleeding pen has only fought in vain

If I write of a genuine love for women
Advocating true care for them by men
But I go womanizing, breaking naive hymen.
With sweet words, shedding shameful semen;
Oh! I would be a disgrace to my decent pen

If my ink has always painted the plagiarist
As the worst robber ever in the world’s list
While I pilfer and pocket personal property
Of others from their stores of intellectuality,
I am only a poet with fake words

If my pen clamours for love and peace
Here in the land and beyond the sea
While I spew hate and acrimony
Tearing apart the garment of unity,
I have no loyalty to my peaceful pen

If my pen wages war against religions
Of violence with his sword, sparing no regions
While my door is never open to that fellow
Who professes not my creed above or below,
The agony of my warring pen is all but a waste

I WOULD BE UNFAITHFUL TO MY PEN by Ijadunola Temitope Lawrence

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