Is my dark face
Reflection of a hollow past
Scars from whips and bullets are my warriors pride
Leavin’ a better taste of the imminent war
Calyx to die and this Bud to glow
Eyes to see and I named Her mine
”Don’t try to be a hero”
Her voice bathed in concern
She wants heart
She wants forever
Her womb becomes a hiding place for a coming seed
Let this season roll by!
And there a stealthy creature be revealed
A visitors’ cry
The war paint bed down in our skin
Let it taste our wrathful breath
Psalmin’ war songs as dry leaves crunch
Beneath our thumpin’ feets; the
Tumult of our arms danced down our nemeses
To never rise.
I got a pang of a
Cyberspeed beetle
Its a familiar feeling
I’ve got a hole near my heart….
I promised to be back
I haven’t seen my little bear.
The heavy fall of a black Monkey
The grass beneath me a
Welcome rug
And there I found myself gone the way of all flesh.
Written by: Olusa Femi Folahan
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
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