I Stare
I stare not in mockery
But in Awe of God’s Multi-talented
So diverse in power and unique
The first and the greatest Artist.
I stare
When I see your uniqueness
Different from hers and his
The very copyright of you
Faithfully and wonderfully made.
I stare
Not to shame
But to appreciate how you are
Short or tall, fat or slim
Dark or fair.
All differently created by one Creator
With different talents and skills
With different capacity and strength
With different dreams and goals
With different races and destinations
And yes.
With different challenges
Stumbling blocks and barriers
In this race of LIFE
Some will arrive early
Some will arrive late, yet
Some will arrive on time
Still yet
Some will never arrive…

Resonating!There is, after all, a piece of us in every one of us. I love this poem!