Albeit, Zephyrs silently blow east and west!
Every walls stand as tho`ey conceives nowt;
Birdies in that kind, fly retires gently on roofs!
Mayhaps,Ye knowest not why they doth so?
But why they doth so and thus,I know;
Forsooth I know why birdies sits upon roofs?
Birdies! They just dount sits upon rooftops;
They eavesdrops covins and counterplots;
They pry falconer’s conspiracies ‘gainxt them;
Therewith suspicious feathers`ey doth sits;
From zephyrs yon gently blow`ey spy secrets,
Ife`en zephyrs travel bye and bye at its helm;
Zephyrs! just dount gently act as bedumbs,
Believe me, they oft hast walking limbs;
They doth lift and carries gathered rumors,
By this,Parrot had learnt to shut `s tongue;
If he suspects the hunter’s gait from distance;
Men tame not theirs,flatters mouth’s doors,
Walls!Walls whereof hast hidden burrows,
Truly,their ears art listening hollows;
On walls men lean to gossip and blathereth
Forget`g, birdies upon roofs thus discerns;
This zephyr that passeth thus gleans,
Every standing walls thus harketh