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Even when the words I speak
Conceal the deeds – the ugly part
Couldn’t you look into my heart
And see the weaknesses within?
Should I, but this honesty rescind
My heavy heart would wade to hell
Now, to keep self from Sin’s dark cell
I have these confessions to make
(The retributions I’ll gladly take)
In this human frame, often, we err
I am not a saint, not a devil either
I’ve hurt someone, cheated another
While away from you, I had an affair
After this revelation, you might just hiss
But do you reckon if imperfect me was sent
To live and love you till we’re both bent?
I have been wanting to tell you this…
That I could love you perfectly!
Written by: Anyanya Bassey
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson