last night we chewed silence lying together on a prickly bed of unspoken words there you were, before me after eons of trans-border love and mediated orgasms i wanted to say many words rehearsed on nights of sticky pajamas and reckless conversations you laid here, on my bed within ear reach and finger touch but I was mute, crippled ah! no one told me that miles are closer than centimeters and distance is a coward’s wine now you are far away, again my tongue is unbound and I can’t wait to see you again…
Kukogho Iruesiri Samson is a creative writer, communications expert, youth mentor and publishing entrepreneur. He won the 2018 Dusty Manuscript Prize, 2017 ANA Prize for Fiction (first runner-up), Nigerian Writers Award (NWA) for Best Poet in Nigeria and Orange Crush Prize for Poetry (2012), and has appeared thrice on the NWA’s list of 100 Most Influential Nigerian Writers Under 40. He has authored five books, including his an award-winning novel Devil’s Pawn.