Have you seen your children
Scattered all around
Like sheep without a shepherd?
Have you seen them
Been dispersed like dry pollen grains
In the hands of strangers
Who feed on their sweaty toils?
Have you also heard of
How they were being confiscated
Of their possessed possessions
With no judge of judgement?
See Mama,
The reality of retrogression
Is all around your children
Like a mistletoe on an oak.
They wander amidst flowing rivers
But still wash their hands with saliva
In fact, they struggle for crumbs
In the midst of Christmas waste.
But why? Mama, why?
Why have you left your children?
Why have you abandoned them
To groan and moan in despair?
You see Mama,
The sweet rain of life
That flows in your succulent breasts
Was once suckled by these children.
So tell me Mama
How long shall they live in pain?
How long shall they be in disdain?
How long? Mama, how long?