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Homeless Tongue [Homeless Tongue]

Your face, lit like a furnace, burns with extreme covetousness
The tongue in your mouth hungers for habitation
It has flowed out of its floppy residence
In its quest for luxury, acquired with wasted wealth

Drink to quench your unquenchable thirst
You brothers of Judas Iscariot
Forget not to reconsider the loathful outcome
Of your heinous input that can dump you in a lake

Have you no conscience?
Do your lustful desires do no good to patience?
Answer me not.
For your words sicken my soul!

My sinless sin you have faulted
With your faulty protocols rooted in sinful morality
My down to earth integrity your tongue considers
Food to the proud

You are not dissimilar from the children of the night
But like a Moses, my rod will devour your Pharaohic rod;
To thy objective I will not be subjective
The command of your mouse will my cursor not obey

Let your homeless tongue house itself in morality
And your nakedness will be clothed
Your tongue is homeless so is my nose
That smells all form of filthiness with distinct disgust

Poetically, I am a Wendy Cope that does not cope
With obnoxious acts.
I can see the cloud pregnant
And until the world is cleansed of all inhuman deeds
My pen will not cease to write the ceaseless truth

You are a Nobel Lauerate in the field of cruelty
But that does not make you noble
Your ignominious acts inspire my pen to write satires
Like a George Shawite, the dignity of the world
My dignified pen desires to restore

Yet you threaten me with Tsunami
Hold thy peace! My dreams will not be cut to pieces
By your sword of injustice;
Your tongue will forever remain homeless
For it will not find a home in my homeless pen

Written by: Kolade Olanrewaju Freedom
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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