Words Rhymes & Rhythm

Home Is Where Our Tears Are Stored in Big Barrels | a CỌ́N-SCÌÒ poem by Igbokwe Roseline

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Igbokwe Roseline is a Nigerian medical student who enjoys creative writing. A winner of the New Cheese Academy, Hera Marketing and Original Talku Talku writing contests, she has works published in the Moveee, Kalahari Review, Brittle Paper Festive Anthology, Icreatives Review, Stripes Literary Magazine, Arkore Arts, Poetik Africa Magazine, Shuzia Anthology, World Voices Magazine, and elsewhere. Apart from being a writer, she is a graphic designer, a health volunteer, a performance poet and a public speaking enthusiast. She is @igbokweroses on Instagram and @IgbokweEzinne on X.

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