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Read Time:59 Second [A Petition To The gods] [His Crime Was Love]

He was beaten and battered
He was flogged with a whip
He was broken and shattered
This made some eyes weep

A crown of thorns was placed on his head
And his blood was made to flow
Oh! how He bled
His crime i want to know

Is it for the sick He healed
Or for the joy he brought?
Is it for the life He lived
Or the miracles He wrought?

He was dragged out of the hall
The cross He was made to bear
To that place of skull
A place of grief and fear

Nails were driven through His legs and hands
And His blood was made to flow
Oh! how He bled
His crime I want to know

Is it because He came to save
The world at his coming and birth?
Or because of the life He gave
To overcome sin and death?

Looking up at that rugged cross
And the piercings at each curve
There hung our Lord Jesus
Christ and his crime was LOVE


Written by: Momohslaw Enojo
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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