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Engulfed in a sphere of puff
A future unclear, thick like fog
Senseless reasons smirks of guff
Everly trying to erect a clog

Hearken to my Plea lil’ lad!
This vain path thou tread looks hazy
Thou stumble and strut so bad
Me sees no gain but thou art gone crazy

Fie! Drop that stick!
And opt for life
It draws strong sins to click
Senselessly offering thee to strife

For thy heart it aims
I must confess it will never miss
Thy lungs it smites, hungrily, it maims
Dost thou not feel something’s amiss?

It makes thee high?
Hogwash thou make bold to tell
The incense nonstop bids thee try
Blaring vociferously thy death knell

Life is either a great
Adventure or nothing
Do good and try to create
Beat something up from farthing!

Written by: Uchechukwu Obasi
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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