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Feared and respected
Dropped his starred khaki
And picked the civil garment
The force, no more behind him
But his voice commands battalions
Along comes the soldier
A new dawn has come.
The old soldier,
He waited for years
For the time to ripen again
His face upon pictures of reality
He hoped to change the polity
His concepts were cunning
He only aimed at winning
To rule is his destiny
The old soldier
He fought two mighty battles
But always his opponent is setted
He brought in new rapporteur
Crafty and breaks faith
Like a wild fire and brimstones
At the last, he came not a tomboy
The old soldier
In this last quest
He strove, including civil unrest
A hero at arms, clothed with assurance
He stiffly awaited the announcement
A broken bridge, defeated
The old soldier
Bruised so deep, he wept
Written by: Matthew Gokum
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
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