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Gender Dialectics [Gender Dialectics]
The bearers of the seed
Have become private property
And broken primitive laws
Lie on the shelf of antiquity.

The bearers of our last names,
Have lost their place
And now they are blamed
For the downfall of men.

We speak of virgin oracles
With tongues of promiscuity;
Make me Barbie dolls
To know how ugly beauty is!

How come nature is a mother
From whom the earth suckles?
Or the sea, a goddess
Whom the waves revere?

Ask your fathers, about Afa,
And the firmness of Yemoja.
Ask your prophets about Kali,
The elegance of Venus -and Isis

Do you wonder that empires
Fall conquered at her laps?
And the structures, of civilizations
Melt away at her whims?

Do you wonder why the earth
Quakes with tsunamis
And the waters, angry,
Reclaim borrowed lands?

The bearers of the seed,
Have become private property
While broken primitive laws
Lie on the shelf of antiquity!

Written by: Nwakanma Chika
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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