Manly actions and defiant talks
The gigantic whale has fallen
The ocean looks on in anguish
The great elephant’s day is done
He could no longer bear his tusks
The old, white mane sets with the sun
The world has lost a royal son
Bloody body, but head unbowed
Crashed into jail, but freedom untowed
To selfless service, his spirit unclads
Waiting in wisdom, patience unmatched
In the scripted play of slavery
Forged by the birth of Apartheid
He was the rogue actor
Challenging fate and destiny
Defiling hate and mutiny
Even prison and in chains
He was free
He is the light that stars our night!
The father, the elder, the statesman
Madiba has joined the immortals
Chains and hate, couldn’t hold him down
Free at last, he his free at last
A conscience for the past
A conscience for the future
Now he has gone, supernova
Our Tata is gone from the land
We will not mourn you with tears
We will bear your legacy onward
The blazer has made his last trail
Defiant spirit with heart not frail
Onward, in us, his ship must sail
His worded wells should fill our pail
Who shall fill his gargantuan shoes?
It should be me, it should be you
We will walk in his oversized print
Until freedom is a clear rainbow
Written by: Adetimilehin VicAdex Inioluwa
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson