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FOURSOME by Adeola Adebowale-Michaels

Read Time:1 Minute, 19 Second

Thank you,
If by chance I meet you
In my journey through and through
In this world or beyond,
I will share a table with you
Tell you how much you are despised
How men here don’t remember your name
How they take and turn
Kicking you off their minds
And slamming their mouthgate against you.

I’m sorry,
Oh, how magical you are
Healing pains and mending walls
You are powerful
I know your worth
But, here, listen,
They don’t know you
To them, you are an alien
To be cast away
They deny themselves of your magic
We’ll, they are the ones,
I know you,
I’ll sing for you songs of praise
I’ll build for you a castle.

I know you too
Yes I do
You have been here with us
Even before I saw the world,
But I no longer hear of you
My peers left you behind
Behind the village walls,
Left y the in the mouth of our elders
Now, we grope around and hurt ourselves
Because we left you behind.

I love you,
I’ve read about you,
I’ve heard about you
I’ve seen you
But we have also ‘used’ you
Few marry you with their words, their thoughts and deeds
You are magical but you have been abused
If you’ll wait a while with me,
You’ll hear, you’ll see
How my folks used and dump you,
Please, tarry, and never leave my abode
I’m sorry if I have ever abused you
Thanks for your love.

FOURSOME by Adeola Adebowale-Michaels
FOURSOME by Adeola Adebowale-Michaels
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