The sap and milk of our land:
Vibrant young men
And nubile young women
Poured out in the dust
By cruel human hands…
…On the grounds of Mubi,
In the ashes of Aluu…!
We stood by and watched!
We did nothing!
Their outcries we ignored!
In Mubi, they gave their lives,
Their futures for religion (or politics?)!
In Aluu, they gave their bodies,
Sacrificed on the altar of jungle justice!
Their names shall be inscribed
Eternally on the hearts
Of those who supped with them!
But I shed tears,
Not for these martyrs
Cut off in their prime!
I weep for this land,
That has lost its regard for blood.
This land that destroys futures!
I weep for Nigeria!
meet the poet: Chikatito Jones
Your poetry is amazing. You write with a experience pen. Hard to see any good being done in our world. Many people are trying. Hard to feel hope when all we have is fear and sadness near. Thank you for all your thoughts and poetry.
I am glad my poetry has interested someone. I just think even as we try to escape the evils of the world, we might as well say one or two things…maybe a change will happen in one or two people.
Thanks for your comments too.