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Son, what defines you?
What defines you son?
What causes a smile to be spread abroad thine cheek?
What makes thine eyes to be filled with tears?
What makes thine heart to be heavy as wood?
What keeps thine spirit light and afloat?

Son, what defines you?
What defines you son?
Does wine makes thine heart merry?
Does wealth makes thine soul cheerful?
Does women causes your brain to tingle
Or thine quest for wisdom ticks all the boxes?

Son, what defines you?
What defines you son?
Whence does thou know to stop?
Whence does thou cease to get?
Whence does thou seek to give
Or do thou take and never give?

Son,what defines you?
What defines you son?
The name that you own
The fame that you earned
The game that you play
Or the dame that you love?

Son, what defines you?
What defines you son?
Could it be your villas in distant shores?
Could it be your cars in many parks?
Could it be your shares in various lands
Or your stakes in plenty claims?

Son,what defines you?
What defines you son?
Is it the folks on TV?
Is it the clothes on display?
Is it the choke of life’s mystery
Or something deeper?

Son, what defines you?
What defines you son?
How does thine heart beat in fear?
How does thine bones ache in sorrow?
How does thine stomach churn in hate
Or does thou love folks only of thine ilk?

Son, what defines you?
What defines you son?
If thy knoweth not
Thine days will be full of misery aplenty
Thine nights will be long and chilly
and thou would have been a waste of living.

father and son

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