But they seek peace
Now it is ‘farewell to freedom!’
Hope she comes back to our kingdom
Farewell to freedom!
You that brought us sovereignty
Made us experience peace at start
Representative Government to Republican
Made us confounded to the British
Now, your leaders are brutish
Farewell to freedom!
You that brought literacy to us
Made us to rejoice with a chorus
That faintest pen is better than sharpest brain
Now your existence is being watched by rain
Our minds no longer enjoy your literacy
That is all covered with so-called democracy
Farewell to freedom!
Scholars are denied the literacy you brought
Tens of years ago we rejoiced the decision
Now, citadels are shut – it’s so long ago
The literacy you were given
You used against your descendants
Hope we learn again!
Farewell to freedom!
Justice has been kidnapped
Who shall pay her ransom?
You brought her to us then
Now, where will it be found?
Justice no more prevails
Yet we say we are free
Farewell to freedom!
We were educated about now in the past
When Khaki men refused to return to the barracks
We thought it was only passing thing
Knowing not it would stay with us…
Now, we say farewell Freedom
Hope all will be well when you return
Farewell to freedom!
Amalgamation: 2014 is centenary
You stood with us then to merge
Now, we are scared of divergence
Many believe there will be war
So we prepare for war
In time of peace
Farewell to freedom!
But our future is at stake!
Written by: James Ademuyiwa Jamesconco
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson