I am ……..
calling to the father above
to look me at altar of peace
where my generation become my cross
and the innocent blood my sin
oh father
save me
Lining on the way is a mess
I tried to walk but filled with fence
I trade all but not forth coming
I cry for help but heaven is sealed
oh father, I’m dying
just a kiss
oh father
save me
our leaders blow the trumpet of ruler
so crude and no mercy for masses
they took us and made us wretched
we sold our future for penny of promise
we made fool of our self
as they ride us with hatred
oh father
save us
we call ourselves future leaders
yet the past kept popping to slice our dream
national cake sit on the corridor of power
we trade our brother for kiss of dew
men with vision waste on street
everyday party in yard of grave for wasted purpose
tomb become the richest for unfulfilled dream
until when
until we stand
take a step
reject the foe
and hug the truth

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