Words Rhymes & Rhythm

EXPLICIT LOVE by Olutona Emmanuel

Read Time:1 Minute, 7 Second

Whenever I turn on my radio

Around Feb`ry, all I hear is love

Even when I open up my window

I see two birds showing love

I can’t really comprehend

What most of my friends

Would do in this climate that`ll soon end

Cos girls in their wiles

Love parading up and down

Some miles

Moving all round the town

With their impeccable gown

Displaying the bevy of their beauties

Boys also in their wiles

Pretend to be wise

They fail to realize That emotions

Aren’t chronic, they give reasons

They claim to be Heaven N’ Earth

They claim to be girls breath

They claim to always be there

They claim to always fly by air

They claim to always mind

They claim to always be kind

Always to girls they claim, when

Captured by Lust And give excuses, when

The feelings is completely lost

I wish I could find a love that is real

Like sunshine, so bright to heal

Me from love malady

One who won’t only be my lady

But who will at peak be my wife

One who will precious my life

Irrespective of some stupid things I did in my tantrums

But unite with me to do good things

One who’ll give me love that don’t last a day

But immerse me with that which doesn’t fade away.

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