I've been writing these pieces trying to convey my feelings
But the more I keep on penning, the more I feel it's worthless
I see the words in my poetic drafts floating above me
Distorted and seemingly meaningless but nonetheless...
I keep on writing and pruning, discarding and unearthing
Hoping and believing that soon it'll all make sense
And my words won't seem like a jumble of frantic thoughts
And my passion won't look as though a curse
Or a harrowing predicament.
I've been writing these poesies to free myself of distress
But I keep being engulfed by
Inept notes of many things,
If not everything about life
But still, bold enough to hold on to esperance.
Am I a poetaster, finding solace in the sanctuary of poetry?
Or am I a poet, eccentric in style and yearning for peace?
In all I want relief, but not just temporary;
And that I gain clarity of my dreams.

Grace Orobosa is an emerging writer from Benin, Nigeria. A bibliophile and a sapiophile, she is a lover of all things that are soulfully and intellectually stimulating. Grace is always seeking out means to express herself to those who deeply understand. She is Grace Orobosa on Facebook where she shares her works and can be contacted via email at orobosagrace9@gmail.com.