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Escapade [Escapade]
He is the hair different from our hair
He speaks unclear through his sharp pointed nose
He came for a mission as one seen a vision
To deliver a nation from her hopeful craving

So it seemed unfortunate, his arrival
The beasts invaded, communicated and calculated
Notes robbed and body seized
To untrodden destination, known by them

His soul, awaited by his expecting hosts
Ended up with a phone buzz and buzz
Only demands heard and unheard
No one knows, his untold whereabouts

Heaven in action? The skies part ways
One by one, unquestionable deletion
He in tough situation; muted, fastened and tightened
Loosened, quickened, he escapes

So reckless, so risky!
Should one waken!
Should one be stricken!
God never lied!

He surmounted grasses?
Does he know where he goes?

Written by: Nseobong Emmanuel James
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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