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Empty You [Empty You]
“The truths I speak are not lies”.
Those are the words your lips mould out.
They run through my soul like gospel
And put my body and soul at ease

You turned me into a zombie
With your sweet red tongue
Our conversations were heavenly
I bet the angels were listening.

I used to say, “I’ll take a bullet in your stead sweetie”
You brought me a white rose and promised the red
How I remember lustful moments with thee.

Until the day my beauty faded in your sight
And you said the devil was better than me
Though it was May, I took it as April fool
Ah! You made me shed salty waters.

Never knew your words were original fakes
If I could, I’ll feed you poisoned cake.
But I’ll let heavens be the judge
And watch you disappear in guilt’s dark clouds.

…such an empty you!

Written by: Adesiyan Adeyemi Favour
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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