Last night I saw you wondering in my dream,
My face light at every glance of you
As it appears before me, I glee.
Even though my eyes refuse to sleep,
You are always there within my view.
Now I am bold before you cos’ its my dream,
To say those words; ‘I LOVE YOU’ cos’ I do!
But this could only be in my dream
As I faint before your every moment I live.
If only you could win a heart by trying,
I’d won yours in my dream already.
But now that I have woken from this dream,
How could I say those words to you still?
I feel as if my heart is left outside on a windy cold night,
And expect time to help me win your heart.
But the sun chose to smile on me only in my dreams,
As I will live happily ever after in the prism of my sleep.
I waited all through the dayday, But saw the Moon fading past the night. I waited still in the rain, To see you come home to me with a smile. I waited all through in vain As my face took an unhealthy white hue: The colour I hate! I waited…
(a) I love you; I love you cos we share the same dream You and I; that's a perfect team You are mild, brilliant and kind And even in the dark, your beauty gleam With your heart alone; mine want to bind For your thought only engulfs my whole mind…
Heart Robbery Like a dream she came All seems the same Day and night Like a tree of love With many branches All seems glowing Her charming love Her elegances All like a dream Her sweet heart sweetens me Staying in the prison of love Praying never to get unleashed…
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Next time you meet the man in your dreams, you must bring him along to meet the sun and perchance, the girl too!