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YOU DON’T GIVE UP! (a poem by Samson Iroko)

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What's the measurements of your worth and the value of your mediocrity?

Does the virtues in your esteem, has the life to sustain the fainted stench of your indemnity.

Has the ventures in your heart profitable enough to pay the debt sustained by your foolishness.

What is the capacity of your sanity to engulf the perdition of your promiscuous insecurities?

Has your leg the strength to climb high the mountains, or your hand the power to swim across the ocean.

Life is not about giving up, it's all about giving in...

Give in to focus, wisdom, hard-work, integrity, respect, values, virtues, dedication, and love.

Then you've got a chance to really taste the feeling of what it means to be worth living on earth.

About Post Author

Samson Iroko

Creative intelligence, design thinking and content strategist who uses creativity and innovative approaches to produce dynamic visuals for digital and print products and services, engaging and strategic content developer and very skilful in turning ideas into reality. Also a poet that understands the unimaginable and turns thoughts and reason to what reality can grasps.
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