Or the subject of malicious calumny
When both at dusk and dawn
Bitterness and murderous bile
Search, seek and suffocate you
Determines to destroy your dream
Desires to and deliberately distablish you
To desecrate and deal deadly blows
Never be troubled amidst all these
Refuse to be trampled down.
When injustice hems you into a box
Or corroding conspiracy assails you
The poisonous sword seeks your neck
And the hangman lays hold of you
Troubles multiply on every side
Disappointments mount up as hills
Destitution mocks all your efforts
As predators prowl your abode
Even debts humiliate you
Never be troubled by troubles.
When afflictions assail you
Your means of livelihood vanish
Like the sparrow, friends fly away
And make their nests in the sky
While fiends multiply and mock you
Your sense of worth diminishes
And suicidal thoughts dominate you
Never mind the troubles
For they never last
Wait for the dawn of sunshine!
Written by: Passy Amaraegbu
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson